Friday, March 13, 2009

Diamonds are a boy's best friend

The deal was signed last week for a new fleet to replace the existing PA28's and PA34's. An email arrived in my work inbox at 0024 on Saturday morning from the boss saying we were getting 12 DA40CS' and 2 DA42L360's. Deliveries are scheduled for May, August and December. Half of the DA40 fleet is to have the G1000/GFC700 2-axis digital autopilot, all to be equipped with the TAS600 TCAS-like system. A huge step-up from the verenerable PA28 Warrior!

Then we heard today we are getting the DA40XLS instead. This model has the leather interior, standard GFC700 autopilot (2-axis) and a heap of extras too. Fantastic!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009